I’m Not Listless

  1. Buy slippers
  2. Buy tupperware
  3. Find a book to read

No, no, that’s not right.

  1. Perform a “life audit”
  2. Review General Assembly classes
  3. Buy pasta strainer

No, this isn’t working either. Maybe I need to use an application.


This is an okay list. I don’t know. Maybe there’s a better app to do this. Something that’s more helpful and sends me reminders.


This isn’t it. This is a list, but this isn’t it. I need to try something else.


Here’s a list. This is a list if I’ve ever seen one. A true list. The multiple columns helps with everything. This is a list that can be the list. This is the list that can do what the other lists haven’t been able to. This is the list with the chance.


This isn’t the list. It just isn’t it. There needs to be another list. There absolutely needs to be another list. A list that’s different than the other lists in every way. A completely different list. A list so out of this world, that it puts all other lists to shame, and serves as the precedent for all future lists.

This list needs to be the list. The end-all-be-all list. One list to rule them all, to help guide me life, organize the things in my head in a logical, numerical order. A point-by-point list that I can…that I can…work with in a way I can’t work with these other lists. I need to be able to…to…to cross things off.

That’s it. I need to cross things off this list. With my hands. Not with my hands, but with as close to my hands as possible. Maybe a pen or pencil. I need to feel the list so it can become part of me.

This isn’t just a to-do list, or a task list, or a wish list, or a grocery list, or an idea list, or a project list.


Well actually it’s a to-do list which is pretty much a task list. You know, I don’t know. I’m not sure if I can try another list. All these sorta-lists and wanna-be lists are wearing me out. But I need something final. I need some closure on this.

I’ve got it. I know a list that combines the best of all the previous list attempts while bringing something completely new.

This is finally it. A whiteboard list. I can erase items and easily replace them. I can use columns. It’s big, can hover over me as the organized authority I need for all these tasks.

Let’s see it.


Eh maybe that isn’t it either.

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