James Franco Tongue Twisters

Frankly Franco freezes frolicking funky frogs

James Franco fairs well wearing fake fangs following a fan’s family

James Franco got flack for flunking Frank

James Franco trims the timid fringes from his favorite fern

James Franco farts strawberry jam during magic fairs

James Franco was recently censored for drinking his shrink’s shrunken Frescas

James Franco joyously jammed a stack of French francs into a pair of JNCO jeans

James Franco’s parajournalism project is protected from a protracted end

James Franco’s friend’s jealously firm handshake offers justice for the pranked park of frowning jelly

James Franco’s shameful fame came from slamming former flames who claimed he made the same scams once he became an acclaimed clam

James Franco’s farce frames farmers as Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

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